Emerging Technology

Knowledge of developments and new applications of emerging technologies and their benefits, challenges, and applications to government processes.



Competency Area

Information and Communication Technology


Maintains updated database

Maintains updated knowledge on emerging technologies ranging from big data and smartphones to artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT)

Describes emerging technologies with relevant examples

Understands that emerging technologies can be incremental as well as disruptive

Documents key debates and trends

Documents debates on emerging technologies (philosophical, political, ethical, etc.)

Provides research on latest trends amongst relevant emerging technologies, including laws, regulations, and guidelines

Identifies resources for developing emerging technologies (research and development grants, technology competitions, etc.)

Applies emerging technologies to public sector innovations

Reviews legal and regulatory parameters that might/might not govern emerging technologies

Links emerging technologies to public sector innovations

Develops a metric to rank emerging technologies based on their usefulness within public sector

Institutionalises emerging technologies

Creates mechanisms for citizen redress and support in the use of emerging technologies

Guides internal capacity building on the knowledge and expertise of emerging technologies

Designs technology roadmaps for emerging technologies, keeping in mind scaling up strategies

Prioritises emerging technologies to solve challenges

Promotes a culture of ‘how to do more with less’ using emerging technologies

Anticipates the challenges emerging technologies bring into the public sector, and creates a plan to mitigate them

Champions emerging technologies amongst key stakeholders to ensure an alignment of expectations