Environmental Planning

Identify, assess and recommend future actions and development proposals that have environmental implications to improve the quality of the environment and the health and welfare of people



Competency Area

Environmental Impact Management


Describes the objective of environmental planning

Understands the types of environment planning (policy, strategic and management planning)

Gathers components needed to initiate environmental planning (eg. building a team, setting vision, community assessment requirements, budgeting, etc.)

Aware of the role of environmental justice in environmental planning

Demonstrates knowledge of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 by the Ministry of Environment

Identifies the environmental issues to be addressed

Classifies effective interaction and overlay between three components of environment planning- hardware, software and heartware.

Identifies the environmental issues persisting in the community to prepare tentative financially viable solutions

Documents the tools and programs on environmental planning by Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA), Office of Environmental Justice

Defines the overarching nature of EPA 1986, specifically its role in the coordination of central and state authorities in environmental planning processes

Conducts environmental assessments

Proposes environmental learning (heartware) and participation of citizens in planning efficient land-use (hardware) to shaping social systems (software)

Establishes a tentative plan by understanding the community's needs using environmental assessment surveys (eg. Technical Environmental Survey (TES), etc.)

Incorporates community-based participatory research using the Collaborative Problem-Solving Model, Community Action for a Renewed Environment, by EPA

Assesses the compliance of the environmental plans with the rules, procedures and standards set under the EPA 1986

Proposes the plan for implementation

Presents spatial designs of land use (hardware) to develop environmental consciousness (heartware) by involving citizens, enterprise and administrations (software) in the planning process

Communicates the details of the environment plan to relevant stakeholders (community, administration, etc.) for implementation

Advocates the role of environmental justice as a "proxy" for social equity and practice, or equitable development in the planning process

Promotes compliance strategies to align with global environmental standards in the environmental planning process