Inquiry-based Instruction

Discuss, investigate and designs inquiry-based learning through 5E learning cycle to induce critical high-level conceptual thinking capacity in students.



Competency Area

Instructional Design


Understands the concept of inquiry-based instructional design

Understands the philosophy behind inquiry-based instruction

Summarises the 5E learning cycle through five phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate

Lists students' prior knowledge and/or identifies possible misconceptions in conceptual understanding

Comprehends student-centered learning approaches that incorporate active exploration in the learning process

Gathers students’ prior experience, from the “Exploration Phase”, as a minds-on part of the 5E learning cycle

Contributes in preparation of situational learning models to solidify student’s understanding through application

Recognises the difference in evaluation processes in an inquiry-based setting as compared to traditional ones

Identifies activities to assess existing understanding and misconceptions of concepts

Identifies the benefits of inquiry-based instruction for students as compared to traditional instructional models

Categorises possible misconceptions in students' ability to understand

Documents activities that improve process skill of students, such as observing, questioning, investigating, testing predictions, hypothesizing, and communicating, with other peers

Assists students in expressing their own explanations and ideas for a concept, i.e. generating new questions to describe and discuss their exploration learning experiences

Guides students to organise and reinforce the new learning from the “Explanation Phase” and apply it to different circumstances

Develops both formal and informal assessment approaches to evaluate the understanding level of a student

Develops activities to complement each stage of the learning cycle

Prepares a learning guide to implement inquiry-based instruction in the classroom

Conducts activities to generate curiosity in students using a variety of events, demonstrations, questioning, or graphic organizers such as KWL charts

Creates a cooperative learning environment with least instructional guidance from the teacher

Explains formal definitions, notes, and labels, along with integrating video, computer software programs, or other visual aids to clarify students' misconceptions

Proposes customised assessments that engage higher-level thinking skills and provide accurate estimation of student’s understanding (e.g. classify objects or situations, descriptive, comparative, experimental investigations, etc.)

Formulates informal assessment approaches such as portfolios, performance-based assessments, concept maps, physical models, or journal logs, as significant evidence of students' learning

Promotes incorporation of inquiry-based instructional learning in curriculum

Evaluates strategies and tools of “master” teachers for implementing inquiry-based instruction

Monitors the “Engagement Phase” such that it does not include activities such as direct lecturing, defining terms, providing explanations, or recording definitions

Applies concepts of engagement in the “Exploration Phase” to provide “hands-on” experience before any formal explanation of terms, definitions, or concepts are discussed or explained by the teacher

Predicts scientific and technical conclusion of a student's exploratory experience in a direct manner

Cultivates a culture of additional investigation in “cementing” understanding through coordination, collaboration, interdisciplinary application of concepts etc.

Rationalises the importance of self-assessment as a metacognition exercise where student students self-identify their level of understanding and potential misconceptions