Policy Design

Design policy responses using a range of tools, behaviours, and mechanisms, to solve policy problems.



Competency Area

Public Policy


Describes key concepts of policy design

Describes key definitions and concepts in policy design (agenda setting, principles, tools, behaviours, formulation, regulations)

Aware of the formulation of wicked problems in public policy, theoretically and practically

Documents existing policy designs, nationally and globally

Identifies problem to be solved by policy design

Demonstrates the role of policy design within public policy, specifically as the process of creating policy response(s) to wicked policy problem(s)

Identifies a wicked problem through its 10 characteristics (no definitive formulation, unique, no stopping rule, etc.)

Categorises policy designs into tools, behaviours, mechanisms and their specific characters

Supports policy design research

Supports policy design through research on a range of responses that can be adopted to solve wicked policy problem(s)

Sets the agenda for the wicked policy problem by strategically constructing the problem and identifying actors that play an important role

Investigates the effectiveness of policy designs (according to their type, character, objective, outcomes, etc.)

Designs policy responses

Determines policy response(s) and the corresponding tool/instrument/mechanism (this includes identifying the link between causation, prospective design, and the intervention)

Designs policy response(s) within existing contexts, and legal and regulatory parameters

Incorporates innovative principles into policy design (human-centered design, design thinking, etc)

Rationalises policy design to stakeholders

Rationalises policy design to relevant stakeholders, to inform policy compliance at later stages

Defends policy design through a distinction between the policy context and character of the tool/instrument/mechanism deployed

Informs discussions on criterion for effective designs within similar policy domains