Initiative and Drive

Contributing more than what is expected in the job, refusing to give up when faced with challenges, and finding or creating new opportunities.



Competency Area



Takes actions on immediate priorities

Addresses present issues immediately without waiting to be told to act on them

Is action-orientated and self-motivated towards his/her work

Makes more than one attempt to resolve issues

Identifies opportunities and responds adequately

Spots opportunities and is quick to respond to them

Overcomes obstacles to ensure completion of work

Tries to predict clients’ needs (internal and external) before they are voiced and addresses them

Uses own judgement to escalate issues

Creates opportunities for the short term

Proactively engages in new initiatives and partnerships with the objective of creating a

future opportunity or bringing about an improvement

Introduces process changes that alleviates pressure during busy periods

Anticipates potential problems and keeps superiors informed about developments

Acts quickly to seize an opportunity or address a crisis by drawing on required resources and similar experiences

Anticipates and acts for the medium term

Takes initiative in creating solutions that would support organisation in future

Acts proactively by planning ahead, and pursues specific opportunities

Anticipates situations up to a year in advance, in order to plan activities and build in contingencies

Encourages others to take initiative

Nurtures environment that is conducive to taking initiative

Plans for long term to anticipate and take action on possible opportunities or crises

Creates an environment where individuals are willing and able to take initiative without fearing consequences of failure

Persists at the problem to overcome obstacles

Creates and supports environment that allows team members to make mistakes and learn from them

Nurtures an environment of accepting mistakes and learn from them