
Belief in own capability to accomplish a task and being able to express confidence in dealing with challenging circumstances without being arrogant or boastful.




Department of Personnel and Training DoPT



Is able to complete the task assigned with guidance & support

Presents oneself well

Is eager to learn & take up additional responsibilities


Confidently delivers the assigned task with minimal supervision

Presents own point of view clearly and confidently in front of others

Makes job-related decisions that are within the scope of the role, on his or her own

Sticks to his/her own point of view and backs it up with facts, even in the face of disagreements


Is confident in one's own abilities and expertise to get work done

Exercises his or her own judgement confidently

Accepts responsibility for the consequences

Is eager to engage in challenging assignments

Expresses own point of view clearly, confidently and politely when in disagreement with senior officers, stakeholders, or others in power


Challenges the status quo

Diverges from conventional methods with the belief that the outcome will be beneficial to the public

Remains positive even under stressful conditions

Looks at a challenge from all possible angles and confidently tackles it