Environment, Sustainability and Governance

Understand the impact of departmental strategies on the environment and undertake actions to enhance the sustainability of strategies, action plans, policies and associated schemes.




Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change



Demonstrate general understanding of sustainable growth, climate resilience, carbon footprint and other principles associated with sustainability.

Understands the inter-relationships between growth, sustainability, climate change, development, social and economic issues, schemes run by the Department.

Aware of national and international sustainability regulations.


Has understanding of specific environmental issues and impact of policies and schemes on sustainability.

Has contextual and historical understanding

of development initiatives undertaken by the department.

Has in depth understanding of environmental management systems and tools, risk assessment and due diligence.

Recommend approaches, technologies

and solutions that support principles of

sustainable development .


Leverages tools and market based instruments on sustainability for suitable due diligence and risk assessment.

Analyse complex and conflicting objectives on development issues and arrive at sustainable solutions.


Emphasize and advocate the importance of long-term development effectiveness and

the achievement of the SDGs.

Able to draw linkages between global, regional and local environment and development issues.

Participate in development of sustainability frameworks and drive adoption of SDG goals in the department / organization.